About us

Hello and welcome to Parrot class!
We are Year 2 and our teacher is Miss Riding.
Each afternoon we join the Elephant Class (Year 1) and we do Science, History or Geography, RHE, Music, RE, Art or D&T and Computing
On a Wednesday afternoon, the whole school takes part in either Forest School, PE or Swimming. 
In our class, we are all kind to each other and support our friends with their learning. We always try our best and we know how important challenging ourselves and getting things wrong are to our learning. When we look after each other and work our hardest, we earn reward points. 
In class, we practise reading fluently with expression, writing fantastic sentences with punctuation and lots of different ways to solve problems in Maths. It is therefore really important that we read regularly at home and have a go at any homework that is set.
The most important things to our Parrot class are that we achieve our potential, learn to be kind, feel safe and finally, have fun! Thank you!